Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Character Matters

Oh golly I thought this blog was long long gone. Seems everything lasts forever on the internet. Interestingly I am still a career gal and still a mom wantabee, but I should have clarified that statement long ago. I am a mom and have been a mom since long before this blog started. I just sometimes, as in always, feel the immeasurable pull between wanting to be a full time mom and wanting a successful career. Somehow career always won out. That's a long story. Since this blog began I have changed my job four times, changed my career trajectory once. The trajectory was a good move. The job changes, weren't comfortable in the moment, but I have always made the best of each situation I have been in. My last job change was the first one of my life that was not determined by me. It is heartbreaking as I loved that job. I am trying to convince myself that I am capable of looking on the bright side, as I always have. I'm going to be the person my kids can be proud of and I'm going to be the person that I can be proud of. Character matters. Alcoholic #1 and #2 updates. #2's dip into alcohol seems to have been very short lived, and I wouldn't even consider it a factor in their lives today what-so-ever. He would deny the moment ever happened I'm certain. #1 hm, well I think the rehab worked the third time for alcohol. However, I don't trust that person with anything. And I never will, sadly. Let's say I'm over him. ----- That marriage that I always alluded to? hehehehe. That's gone too! and oh so gratefully. Insert wildly happy dance here.:) Things are really looking up, my kids are great, my new spouse is a joy each and every moment I get to spend with him, and my career, while surviving the recent little blip, is actually something I'm very proud of. I need to remind myself to look longer term at my life. Character matters.